let's talk about it

One thing I ask families to do is hold hands.  It connects them in the pictures and it gives them a reason to sit or stand so close together.  You can imagine, though, how the preteen and teenage crowd feels about this.  Particularly the boys!  Eew!  Yuck!  Eye roll!  All of these are typical answers […]

Close Contact

To get to my favorite bridge I have to take my clients on a bit of a hike.  It’s not far, but we have to make our way along a gravel path and down a secret trail.  While I was chatting with Gwen and daughters Annika and Julia I was watching Erik walking hand in […]

Hunting Polar Bears

This year I took a ton of student portraits.  It was an amazing experience (A bit like childbirth really.  Lot’s of hard work at the beginning and fond memories after!) and I met a lot of new little friends.  That was the best part.  Chatting with all these kids.  In order to get some natural […]

New Friends

Kristi has seen A LOT of family pictures.  Since she works with all of our clients to help them pick the best images for their walls and goodies she has had a chance to see all of THEIR pictures.  That’s why it was fun to come up with some ideas for her family photo shoot. […]

How Creative!

Poor Madeline.  I could not have forgotten her name more if I tried!  And the worst part was I was really trying to remember it.  I swear I traded my brain in at the hospital for my third child.  It’s really that bad.  Every two seconds I’d say ‘Madison look over here!’  and they would […]


Last week Cyn pulled hero duty.  Her mother, who lives up in the San Juan Islands, had an appendectomy.  Like a caring daughter she wanted to be there for her mama to help care for her.  Makes perfect sense until you figure in a Halloween party with fifty 16 year olds she needed to be […]

Hero Duty