let's talk about it

Only fitting that I share the Birthday Girl and HER Best Friend on her big day. (Yes, it is slightly out of focus.  This iPhoneography is harder than it looks!)

Day 19- Best Friends

Today is Miss Ellie’s birthday.  She has already been celebrated twice, but as a middle child I’m pretty sure she can’t ever get enough! Just as I did with Jill back in January, I am going to share the email blast that Allen sent out to herald our girl’s arrival.  Reading his perspective always cracks […]

The Birthday Girl

Lets call it a new interpretation. Kate: ‘I love these signs. It totally gives kids the right to play in the street!’

Day 18- Something New

The beach in February. With good friends. Can’t beat those memories!

Day 17- Memories

We found this little guy (a sea otter) at low tide on the beach today. He seemed awfully far from the water. Hope he makes it back okay!

Day 16- Animals

I bet you thought I was going to pick an Apple product, right?  How could I play favorites?!?

Day 15 – Technology