let's talk about it

Are you sick of me and my obsession with Pinterest yet?  One of the hot items this summer (meaning a lot of people pinned these so they came up over and over) was subway art.  There were art pieces with all the different addresses people had lived at, or others used quotes and words to […]

Subway Art

Time got away from us.  Henry turned two in July but it took us this long to get kids settled into school so we could give the little man all of our attention.  I think he really enjoyed having Joelle and I to ogle over him and shine our light just on him.  Normally when […]


Normally, when you hear that somebody has a ‘colorful personality’ it means gregarious or bigger than life.  In this case, Miss Caitlin is quiet and reserved, much like her mom.  You can just tell by the shy smiles she share with me and my camera.  Apparently Miss Caitlin is a lover of all things colorful, […]

Colorful Personality

Today is my good friend Judith‘s birthday.  As a mama she sacrifices daily for her kids, but she made an even bigger sacrifice 13 years ago when she gave birth to her big ‘un’ Henry.  (Happy Birthday Henry!  Thank you for putting up with my embarrassing photo hijinx.)  Ever since then she has given it […]

Just for Judith

Just in case you weren’t aware, I am a HUGE chocolate lover.  So it comes as no surprise that I start craving chocolate every time I work on Miss Emily’s pictures.  Here eyes are like liquid chocolate!  Her personality is just as yummy too!  Her confidence and enthusiasm are infectious and I love the snuggles […]

Liquid Chocolate

I love that poem by Shel Silverstein.  I adored those books when I was growing up but Hug O’ War was always my favorite poem.  Zoe and Zinnia remind me of that poem.  Every time I take their pictures they have such a good time giggling and hugging.  Of course it doesn’t say anything in […]

Hug O’ War