let's talk about it

It’s recorder city around her lately.  The 4th graders at Jill’s school will be putting on a recorder concert in late May and they’ve all recently gotten their recorders. She’s been baking up a whole lot of Hot Cross Buns lately. Jill’s music teacher has come up with a fun way to motivate the kids.  […]

The Prodigy

I have no idea what Allen was doing behind me while I was shooting the pictures.  I suspect he was threatening to tickle me but I’m really not sure.  Doesn’t matter really because he is now formally invited to all of my photo shoots if he’s going to be THIS funny! And one more shot […]

What Was He Doing? | Seattle Area Children’s Photographer

Remember Baby Eva?  Well, I just received the greatest gift from her parents.  They shot some pictures of me shooting pictures of their baby.  I’ve always suspected that my posture was terrible and now I’ve confirmed it.  It’s all about me, isn’t it? Now you photographer types can see how basic my setup is.  A […]

I Love my Job| Seattle Area Newborn Photographer

Life is but a dream.  While baby Emmi was being changed, big sister Bella was singing Row Row Row Your Boat.  That girlie has a full repetoire of songs she was perfectly willing to sing while I took her pictures. Amanda and Joby are living their dream with their cute little girlies.  Even though little […]

Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily | Seattle Family Photographer

Today is Miss Kate’s birthday.  My baby is five.  We just had a conference with her preschool teacher and even SHE says Kate acts much older.   Specifically she said she speaks like a third grader.  Kate is incredibly articulate and she takes every opportunity to practice that! I am writing this post before Kate has […]

Five Going on Fifteen | Seattle Area Children’s Photographer

I heard this quote more than once on Saturday morning.  That’s when we had Kate’s Fancy Birthday Party Tea Party.  So much for nice springtime weather for our little tea party.  Nice Mom that I am, I forced all those girls in their fanciest clothes out into the snow for some group shots.  Hey – […]

“This is Awesome!”