let's talk about it

Yes, it is that time of year again.  Time for roaring fires and roasting chestnuts.  No?  Well I did spend a day in July listening to nothing but Christmas music.  We like to get into the spirit early around here! Just as I did last year, I am offering a very limited number of session […]

Ho Ho Ho!

Laurie called me all the way back in April to set up her session.  She had a clear vision for what she wanted and she even sent me pictures of the dresses way back when.  I love that she knew exactly what she wanted and she was really good about communicating it.  Of course best […]

She Had a Vision

A couple of weeks ago Henry turned five.  I can’t believe it!  He’s the baby of the crew, he is not supposed to be that old. I was honored to be invited to his awesome Octonauts party.  Don’t know what that is?  You can check out the website here.  The Octonauts is a cartoon that […]


In the summer I love that I can do family sessions in the evening to capture the lovely light.  The only question is whether the kids I am photographing will be in a good mood after dinner.  My own kids are morning people so it was hit and miss with them. Add that question to […]

The Wild Card