let's talk about it

Today is Ellie’s 9th birthday.  At the beginning of the year Ellie’s teacher told us to put on our thinking caps.  All of the parents were to write a letter to/about their child for their birthdays and Mrs. Lockwood would read it to the class.  Mrs. Lockwood didn’t give many directives, but Ellie sure did. […]

Happy Birthday Kid

The second day of our Olympic adventure was actually crazier than the first.  We headed downtown to check out all the hubbub on the waterfront. Vancouver has an amazing light rail train system that funneled event goers and tourists down to the action.  It was so easy to park and walk right on. Our first […]

Day Two

That’s what Allen asked no less than 13 times on Sunday. Guess What?  WE ARE AT THE OLYMPICS! He was beyond excited and that excitement was infectious.  But after the 12th ‘Guess What’ this was the response Allen was starting to get… We’ve had our tickets for 16 months and we’ve been just waiting for […]

Guess What?

There are certain little dittys that get me in the mood.  (No I am not talking Barry White.)  Whenever I hear the Olympic theme music my blood gets pumping.  I’m such a sucker for all of the back stories and seeing the medal ceremonies. We used to watch the Olympics on the Canadian channel because […]

Cue the Music

The folks at Allen’s company occasionally clean out the marketing closet to get ready for trade shows.  We were the happy recipients of these glasses so I couldn’t resist putting together a surprise Valentine for Allen. No, I’m not worried about him seeing this picture early.  He never reads my blog.  I guess he figures […]

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Last night while we were night skiing Kate turned to me on the lift and said: “I know what those tall poles have inside them.” “The chairlift poles?” I asked. “Yeah, I know what’s inside.  My ski instructor told me. It’s hamsters.” “What?!?” “Hamsters are what make the wheels go round and move the chairs. […]

Tall Tales