let's talk about it

I was at a party last weekend with a bunch of friends and they were lamenting the fact that their pictures don’t turn out how they really see in real life.  I don’t know if they were looking for some help but I’m always good for an opinion so I thought I’d share. It’s funny […]

A Lesson on Perspective

As I’ve already mentioned, we had all our interior walls painted a couple of weeks ago.  What a process!  Being a photographer you can only imagine how many pictures I have on my walls!  Not only that, I had storage pieces, with MORE photos inside, that had to be emptied and cleaned out so the […]

Just Hanging Around

A lot of my clients are surprised and pleased at the expressions I capture on their kids’ faces.  My ultimate goal is to get a sparkle into their eyes and a true smile on their lips. Sometimes kids, especially when they are in the 9-13 age range, don’t know how to stand or sit.  They […]


I own a reflector.  It is huge, has multi colored covers (gold, silver, white and black) and I hardly ever use it.  It’s just one of those things that seemed necessary but once I opened it I forgot to use it.  (I’ve even carried it around to a few outdoor family shoots but never opened […]


My hubby encouraged me to write this article because he thinks it is cool how much I use my iPad for my business. I contend that I am not that smart and surely there are plenty of people who are doing the same as me, and also much more. But, for those of you that […]

iPad how I love thee

It’s amazing how creative you become when you really want to ‘get that shot’!  Like I said in Monday’s post, the lighting was terrible when I took Kate’s birthday pictures.  You can tell by the size of her irises.  They are huge!  Kate really wanted me to take a picture of her lying on her […]

For You photographer types