let's talk about it

Kate started soccer last Friday night and she could not have been happier.  She spent the whole hour zooming round the field with a huge beaming smile on her face.  When she scored the first goal of the night I was starting to think we should have attached a string to her so we could […]

Finally Her Turn

Last weekend I talked Joelle into bringing little Henry over to our house for pictures.  I hadn’t had a chance to spend any one on one time with him and I wanted my time.  I even sweetened the pot and offered to keep him here while she ran around and did errands hands free, no […]

Little Turtle

One of Jill’s first assignments was to write a poem about herself.  When she read it outloud to me she had me in stitches.  I love it that she knows herself so well! Jill Helpful, generous, joyful, honest Sister of Ellie and Kate Fan of Mexican food, reading and Harry Potter Who feels joy, love […]

She Knows Herself Well

This weekend we did a lot of hanging out and cleaning up.  It was pouring here for most of the three days so we had plenty of indoor time.  One of the things I did was clean out the beastly black armoire in our dining room/den (we don’t eat there so we made it into […]

A Walk Down Memory Lane

I just had to share this picture because it cracks me up.  It actually sums up their relationship perfectly.  Kate adores Cooper with all her heart and soul.  She chases him around giving him massive hugs all day long.  Contrary to how this looks, Cooper actually enjoys Kate quite a bit too.  He puts up […]

Love Hurts

Yesterday was Kate’s first day of kindergarten and she could hardly wait.  She was up at 6:30 in the morning asking when it was going to be time to leave. (Not for more than two hours!)  Her outfit had been planned for weeks, her backpack was all primed and she’d even aquired some new (albeit […]

Krazy for Kindergarten