let's talk about it

Jill was very nervous about starting high school.  Of course she was, right?  Everything was unknown!  We kept assuring her that it would be fine and she would find her way around. After the first week she was still unsure.  She hardly knew anybody in her classes, none of her regular buddies had lunch at […]

Off to a Good Start

As a surprise for their dad these boys dressed for their favorite sports team. I love the Hawks too so I thought this was a great idea!  Poor Nathan was more than a little hot during our photo session, but it wasn’t supposed to be that way.  Weather.com said there was a 100% chance of […]

Go Hawks!

While I was photographing Danny I asked him to tell me something goofy about his sister, Tory.  He said she like to ‘tase’ him.  She pinches him at the waist or on the knee just to get his goat.  Really?  She looks so innocent I said.  What do you do back?  I hit her.  Yup, […]


I know it is October already but I have some catching up I still need to do.  August was crazy busy for work and kids and then school started and so did student portraits.  This is the first time I’ve had a chance to sit back and take stock.  (That picture above is from one […]

Catching Up with Summer