let's talk about it

A snowy surprise in the morning.  We weren’t supposed to get snow on Monday but surprise surprise we had a nice blanket of 2-3 inches.  Cooper could hardly wait to get out back to make his doggy snow angels and eat his ballcicles.   (I’m talking about a tennis ball, folks!)

Happiness Is…

For Christmas Allen and I gave Ellie and Kate some suede boots (Jill got a down vest).  Aside from the cool fashion factor, this gift was actually a bit self serving.  Kate NEVER has socks on which always caused delay in getting out the door to school.  Now all she has to do is slip […]

It’s Getting Ugg-ly Around Here {Eastside Children’s Photographer}

Actually Cooper was really pulling a table (not mimicing Marly and Me) but let me back up a bit here.  Today I walked with Cooper to our local Starbucks for a bit of refreshment.  My skittish new pooch is afraid of many things (loud voices, his water bowl, and metal grates in sidewalks to name […]

Pulling a Marley

A week and a half ago we adopted this furry guy.  We ADORE him!  We’d heard about him before Christmas, but with all of the travelling we did we knew we couldn’t even think about getting a dog until after we got back. We all prayed REALLY hard that he would be waiting for us […]

The New Man in my Life